Home Owners' Association
The Stonecrest Meadows Homeowners' Association (HOA) oversees the well-being of our community and takes care of all common areas. The HOA is governed by a Board of Directors who operate according to the HOA's bylaws. The board helps ensure that your living experience at Stonecrest Meadows is everything you desire it to be.
Covenants and Restrictions
The covenants and restrictions for Stonecrest Meadows have been put into place to protect the value and aesthetic appeal of the subdivision over time. A complete set of all covenants and restrictions can be downloaded here:
The following represent a few of the restrictions applicable to initial home construction unless an exception is granted by the HOA Architectural Control Committee:​
All house plans must be approved in advance by the HOA Architectural Control Committee (exterior only). (Builders should submit a Builder Requirements and Restrictions Application form prior to breaking ground on a lot for construction).
Minimum landscaping requirement.
Mail boxes will be standardized and must be approved by Architectural Control Committee before installed for Phase 1. All future phases must have USPS approved cluster boxes as required by the US Postal Service.
Fences are allowed pending approval from the Architectural Control Committed. Guidelines are here.
HOA fees are $325 per year. There is a one-time Capital Contribution of $325 that all homeowners make upon the purchase of their home. The Capital Contribution is used to support and maintain the infrastructure of our community's common areas. (Capital Contributions on new construction homes are currently being paid to the developer in return for a substantial reduction of the loan amount the HOA owed to the developer, which was incurred in prior years to cover operational budget deficits.)
Upon the sale of your home in the future the management company may assess a transfer fee to cover their administrative costs for closing out your account. Check with AMS for details.
The HOA has contracted with AMS to manage the day-to-day affairs of the HOA.
For questions related to the HOA please contact them at (704)-940-6100 or ams@amshoa.com